



We help organizations, businesses and home owners reduce their operational costs in a human centered cost-effective approach, by using our energy optimization services. This way, we help you be compliant with government regulations, protect and grow jobs, increase your profitability while enhancing your commitment to protect the environment.
Our Services
This marks the beginning of the whole energy optimization process whereby we come to
This entails designing, supplying and/or installation of capital intensive energy conservation measures in the form of energy efficiency projects or renewable energy
Energy conservation training is integral to any effective energy optimization strategy. It seeks to improve the performance of the individuals responsible for energy use in
Our energy management service packages are guaranteed to actualize energy savings presented from the energy audit reports and continue with the journey towards full
Creos PlajiweTM products are a composite material made from sand and waste plastic material, which has wide variety of uses from the various products that can be made from
Why Us
It’s simple! Creos teams work very collaboratively with our clients to fulfill their promise to them and this is what sets us apart from the competition. We are governed by three principles: People. Planet. Profit.
Our Clients